Criminal Defense
Defending Your Rights
Being arrested for a criminal offense has severe legal and financial consequences for the individual charged with the crime, as well as their family. It is critical to see us as soon as possible if you have been accused of a crime, or have learned that there is a possible criminal investigation into you.
A criminal defense attorney assists you throughout the criminal justice process, including pre-trial. In the pre-trial stage, a criminal defense attorney can guide you on how to respond to questioning by authorities and even convince the court to drop charges against you on the grounds of insufficient evidence or improper procedure.
In the United States, a person is considered innocent of a crime unless proven guilty in a court of law. You are protected by the U.S. Constitution and by precise local rules of criminal procedure if you are charged with a crime. Understanding how the law applies to your case is vital to ensuring that you are treated with justice and fairness through all stages of arrest and prosecution.
Whatever you do, don’t talk to the police without first seeking advice of legal counsel. You have a right to remain silent and it is not your duty to prove yourself innocent to the police or to the Court. If you are ever arrested and questioned about an alleged criminal event, (apart from personal identifying information), please kindly and respectfully tell the officer you desire to remain silent and request legal counsel. If you desire to better understand the reasons for this, check out the video below, Don’t Talk to the Police:
Edward M. Loughran, Jr. is a polished litigator with over 30 years of trial experience and in-depth knowledge about criminal law. We will vehemently defend your fundamental constitutional rights to a fair trial and just verdict that is based upon the merits of your case. We demand that the prosecution present evidence that proves its case beyond a reasonable doubt. If the case of the State’s Attorney fails to meet this strict standard, we aggressively fight for charges to be dropped or assertively pursue a not-guilty verdict at trial. Our substantial courtroom experience gives us the insight to recognize when negotiating with the prosecution is in your best interest and to skillfully construct a fair plea deal.
Don’t Talk To The Police - Watch This Video 👉